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Livelihood realities in the context of globalization  
Development, environment and resource management  
Institutions, governance and conflict transformation  

Livelihood realities in the context of globalization

Upreti, BR; Sharma, SR; Pyakuryal, KN and Ghimire, S. (eds). (2010) The Remake of a State: Post-conflict Challenges and State Building in Nepal.


COLARP together with its partner organizations including RCO and SODEJ-Nepal published a documentary titled “Towards the Transformation” under PAMS Project.


TAAN Western Chapter together with South Asia Coordination office published a documentary titled “Peace through Tourism” under PAMS Project.


Ghimire, S. (2010). Reform in police and public participation, Sahabhagita, Year 14,Issue 1/2, Volume 42, 2066 BS. Nepal Participatory Action Network, Kathmandu



Thieme, S. & Müller-Böker, U. (2009/2010): Social networks and migration: Women's livelihoods between Far West Nepal and Delhi. European Bulletin of Himalayan Research, 35-36: 107-121.

148 KB

Shahbaz B, Vinod CP, Geiser U, Sadaf T, Schärer L, Müller-Böker U. 2010. Access to livelihood assets: Insights from South Asia on how institutions work.In: Hurni H, Wiesmann U, editors; with an international group of co-editors. Global Change and Sustainable Development: A Synthesis of Regional Experiences from Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South, University of Bern, Vol. 5. Bern, Switzerland: Geographica Bernensia, pp 283–297

218 KB
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Ghimire, S., Nahikian, A.(eds.) 2009. The Student Workshop Proceedings on Peace Building in Nepal.

Pyakuryal, K.N., Nepali, P.N., Singh. S., Ghimire, S. (eds.) 2009. Proceeding of the national workshop on Land Issues in Changing Political Context.

link Thieme S, Ghimire A, Gurung G. 2009. Making Migration Safer. Research Evidence for Policy No. 2, May 2009. Berne: NCCR North-South.

1 MB
link Upreti, B.R., Sharma, S.R., Basnet, J. 2009. Nepalma Bhumi Rajaniti ra Dyonda.

link Barbora S, Thieme S, Siegmann KA, Menon V, Gurung G. 2008. Migration matters in South Asia: Commonalities and critiques. Economic and Political Weekly 43(24): 57-65.

224 KB
Bhattarai-Ghimire A, Upreti BR. 2008. Conflict Induced Displacement: An Emerging Phenomenon of Internal Migration in Nepal. In: Pyakuryal KN, Upreti BR, Sharma SR, editors. Nepal: Transition to Transformation. Kathmandu: HNRSC, NCCR North-South, pp. 101-139.

144 KB
Ghale Y, Upreti BR. 2008. Concentration and monopolisation of seed market: Impact on food security and farmer’s rights in mountains. Mountain Forum.

45 KB
no download Ghimire A. 2008. From Migration to Migrants: Changing Concept and Using Diasporas in Nation Building. Presentation at the National Conference on Nepal at Crossroads: Transformation and Nation Building. 25.05.2008. Kathmandu.

no download Gurung G. 2008. Concerns of Contract Migrants. Presentation at the 2. Residential Training Workshop on Migration, Globalization, Security and Development, South Asia Migration Resource Network. 9-16 March 2008. Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Gurung G. 2008. Strategy Development to Protect Migrant Women Working Abroad Especially After New Policy. Presentation at the Ministry of Labor, Nepal. 10 March 2008. Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Manandhar S. 2008. NCCR North-South: An Overview. Presentation at the Interactive Workshop on Post Conflict Tourism in Nepal: Opportunities and Challenges. 18.03.2008. Kathmandu, Nepal.

link Nepali PB. 2008. Access to Land Resource: Dalits and their Livelihood Insecurity. In: Pyakuryal KN, Upreti BR, Sharma SR, editors. Nepal: Transition to Transformation. Kathmandu: HNRSC, NCCR North-South, pp. 163-184.

76 KB
no download Nepali PB. 2008. Land Discrimination in New Nepal. Presentation at the National Conference on Nepal at Crossroads: Transformation and Nation Building. 25.05.2008. Kathmandu, Nepal.

link Pyakuryal KN. 2008. Inclusion and Transformation - An Introductory Remark. In: Pyakuryal KN, Upreti BR, Sharma SR, editors. Nepal: Transition to Transformation. Kathmandu: HNRSC, NCCR North-South, pp. 1-13.

44 KB
no download Sharma SR. 2008. Negotiating access to land in Nepal. Presentation at the ICRD, International Conference on Research for Development. 02.07.2008-04.07.2008. Berne, Switzerland.

link Upadhayaya PK, Upreti BR. 2008. Enhancing Women's Participation in Mountain Tourism, Prospects and Challenges. Mountain Forum.

96 KB
link Geiser U, Fritschi A, Upreti BR, Müller-Böker U. 2007. Rapid instiutional change and livelihood realities of the poor - insights from South Asia. Report on the JACS South Asia Phase 1 Synthesis Workshop. Kathmandu: NCCR North-South.

886 KB
link Mueller-BoekerU, Thieme S. 2007. Livelihood Strategies in a Marginal Area of Nepal (Far West Nepal), with an emphasis on labour migration to India, In: Jones G, Leimgruber W, Nel E, editors. Issues in Geographical Marginality: Paper presented during the Meetings of the Commission on Evolving Issues of Geographical Marginality in the Early 21st Century World, 2001-2001. Grahamstown: Rhodes University. (S. 27-37) 1.55 MB
no download Ghimire Bhattarai A. 2007. Citizens or not citizens: Displaced Women’s Access to Citizenship In Nepal. Presentation at the 5th Annual winter course on forced migration conducted by Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group. 30 November-15 December 2007, Calcutta, India.


Locher M, Müller-Böker U. 2007. “But now men also listen to the women”. Women’s-Development Approach in the Kanchenjunga Conservation Area Project, East Nepal. Asiatische Studien, Études Asiatiques, LXI (4): 1113-1139.

373 KB


Upreti BR, Geiser U, Müller-Böker U. 2007. Report on Research and Capacity Building in South Asia, 2004-2007. Kathmandu: Heidel Press (P) Ltd.

2.8 MB
no download Adhikari J, Gurung G, Bhadra C, Seddon D, Niroula B, Gurung P, Gurung K. 2006. Nepali Women and Foreign Labour Migration. Kathmandu: UNIFEM, NIDS, 211 pp. (order from

no download Müller-Böker U, Perez M.A, Upreti B. 2006. Rural-urban Interactions in a Globalizing World. Presentation at the NCCR North-South site visit of the review panel. 24 June 2006. Vientiane, Laos.


no download Ramakumar R, Suleri AQ, Upreti BR. 2006. How Do Poor Experience Globalization? Studies from India, Pakistan and Nepal. Presentation at the JACS South Asia Workshop 2006 of the NCCR North-South. 2 December 2006. Kathmandu, Nepal.

link SAS-4: A Radio Program for Rural Areas of Nepal - final report.

412 KB
no download Geiser U, Ali T, Gurung G, Nair KN. 2006. Development Policies and Livelihood Realities. Presentation at the JACS South Asia Workshop 2006 of the NCCR North-South. 2 December 2006. Kathmandu, Nepal.

link Kollmair M, Manandhar S, Subedi BP, Thieme S. 2006. New figures for old stories: Migration and remittances in Nepal. Migration Letters 3(2): 151-160. Reprinted 2008in: Kumar N, Ramani V, editors. Migration and Remittances in Developing Countries. Hyderabad: Icfai University Press, pp. 77-85.

no download Manandhar S. 2006. An overview to NCCR N-S: Past, Present and Future. Presented at the 4th Methodology Training Course, organized by CDG, Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Siegmann KA, Barbora S, Gurung G, Menon V, Thieme S. 2006. Migration Matters in NCCR: Whose Moves? Whose Borders? Whose Benefits? Presentation at the JACS South Asia Workshop 2006 of the NCCR North-South. 3 December 2006. Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Thieme S, Kollmair M, Müller-Böker U. 2006. Transnationale soziale Netzwerke und Migration: Nepalis aus Far West Nepal in Delhi. Geographische Rundschau, 58 (10): 24-30.

no download Gurung G, Shrestha U. 2005. Leaflet of Malaysia: The most important information for Nepalis migrating to Malaysia. Kathmandu: Nepal Institute of Development Studies.

no download Gurung G. 2005. Migration Research and Poverty Mitigation in Nepal. Interdisziplinäres Kontaktseminar, Collegium Generale, Berne, Switzerland.

no download Gurung G. 2005. Nepal and the Globalization of Labour. Opportunities gained from international law should be used. Rajdhani Daily, 2nd March 2005. (in Nepali)

no download Manandhar S. 2005. An Introduction to NCCR N-S and Choosing PAMS Projects. Presented at the First Migrants Workers Committee Convention, New Delhi, India.

no download Manandhar S. 2005. NCCR N-S, the Role of JACS SAs and unique feature: PAMS. Presented at the 3rd Methodology Training Course, organized by CDG, Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Manandhar S. 2005. Organizational Set up of NCCR N-S and JACS SAs Coordination Office. Presented at ‘Urban Livelihoods of the Poor’ organized by CDG, Kathmandu, Nepal.


Müller-Böker, U. with the support of Geiger, D., Geiser, U., Kansakar, V., Kollmair, M., Molesworth, K. & Suleri, A. (2004): JACS South Asia. Sustainable Development in Marginal Regions of South Asia. In: Hurni, H., Wiesmann, U. & Schertenleib, R. (eds.): Research for Mitigating Syndromes of Global Change. A Transdisciplinary Appraisal of Selected Regions of the World to Prepare Development-Oriented Research Partnerships. Perspectives of the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) North-South, Berne: 225-261.

441 KB
link Thieme S, Bhattrai R, Gurung G, Kollmair M, Manandhar S, Müller-Böker U. 2005. Addressing the needs of Nepalese migrant workers in Nepal and in Delhi, India. Mountain Research and Development 25(2): 109-114.

656 KB
no download Gurung G. 2004. An Overview of Foreign Employment in Nepal. Occasional Paper for the International Labour Organisation, Nepal Office.

no download Gurung G. 2004. An Overview Paper on Overseas Employment in Nepal. Series 4, International Labour Office (ILO), Nepal.

link Müller-Böker U, Thieme S, Gurung G. 2004. International Labour Migration and Rural Livelihoods in Nepal. NCCR N-S Poster.

338 KB
link Müller-Böker U, Manandhar S. 2004. JACS South Asia: Sustainable Development in Marginal Regions. NCCR N-S Poster.


Thieme S, Müller-Böker U. 2004. Financial Self-Help Associations Among Far West Nepalese Labor Migrants in Delhi, India. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 13 (3): 339-361.

73 KB
no download Gurung G. 2003. Nepali Women workers in foreign Lands. A Studie on Foreign Employment in Nepal With Particular Emphasis on Skill Requirements. Nepal Institute of Development Studies, Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Gurung G. 2003. A Study of out- Migration in South Asia. A Country Paper of Nepal, Nepal Institute of Development Studies, Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Gurung G. 2003. A Study on Foreign Employment in Nepal With Particular Emphasis on Skill Requirements. Nepal Institute of Development Studies, Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Gurung, G. 2003. Foreign Employment and Remittance Economy of Nepal. In: Domroes, M. (ed.): Translating Development. The Case of Nepal. New Delhi.

no download Gurung G. 2002. An Overview Paper on Overseas Employment in Nepal. Nepal Institute of Development Studies, Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Seddon D, Adhikari J, Gurung G. 2002. Foreign Labor Migration and the Remittance Economy of Nepal. Critical Asian Studies, 34(1):19-40.

no download Gurung H, Gurung G. 2001. Rethinking Civil Society Role in Sustainable Development. Perspective from Asia. Asian Network for Alternative Cooperation, Kathmandu, Nepal.


Development, Environment and Resource Management

link Upadhayaya PK, Upreti BR. 2009. Mountain tourism in Nepal: An overview on the sustainable inclusion of local communities. Mountain Forum.

66 KB
link Upreti BR. 2009. Resource governance and livelihood concerns: Park-people conflict in the Eastern Terai of Nepal. In: Geiser U, Rist S, editors. Decentralisation Meets Local Complexity: Local Struggles, State Decentralisation and Acces to Natural Resources in South Asia and Latin America. Bern: Geographica Bernensia, pp 217-248.

268 KB

Müller U, Gurung GS, Kollmair M, Müller-Böker U. 2008. "Because the project is helping us to improve our lives, we also help them in conservation" – Integrated Conservation and Development in the Kangchenjunga Conservation Area, Nepal.  In: Galvin, M. & Haller, T. (eds.): People, Protected Areas and Global Change: Participatory conservation in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. Perspectives of the NCCR North-South, University of Bern, Vol. 3 Bern: 363-399.

543 KB
no download Sharma, SR. 2007. Planned development and conflict: The role of the private sector in augmenting remittance in Nepal. In: Dhungana H, Logan M, editors. Sustainable Development in Conflict Environments: Challenges and Opportunities. Kathmandu: Canadian Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI), pp 271-280. (order publication from )

link Molesworth K, Müller-Böker U. 2005. The Local Impact of Under-realisation of the Lumbini Master Plan: A Field Report. Contributions to Nepalese Studies, 32 (2): 183-211.

2.5 MB
link Müller-Böker U. 2005. Reflections on the Himalayan Landscape: An interview with Harka Gurung, a leading authority on the Himalaya. Mountain Research and Development, 25(2): 126-127.

83 KB

Institutions, Governance and Conflict Transformation

Upreti, B.R. 2009. Nepal from war to peace: legacies of the past and hopes for the futures.

Bächler G, Acharya N, Dammann P, Rajbandhari R, Upreti BR. 2008. Nepal Building New Roads to Peace. Lalitpur. Jagadamba Press.

link Pyakuryal KN, Upreti BR, Sharma SR, editors. 2008. Nepal: Transition to Transformation. Kathmandu: HNRSC, NCCR North-South.

960 KB
link Pyakuryal KN. 2008. Pluralism, Diversity and National Integration. In: Pyakuryal KN, Upreti BR, Sharma SR, editors. Nepal: Transition to Transformation. Kathmandu: HNRSC, NCCR North-South, pp. 185-199.

52 KB
no download Sharma SR. 2008. Federalism in Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities. Lecture at the Department of Sociology, University of Bielefeld, Germany. 19 June 2008. Bielefeld, Germany.

link Sharma SR. 2008. Role of Foreign Aid in Transformation. In: Pyakuryal KN, Upreti BR, Sharma SR, editors. Nepal: Transition to Transformation. Kathmandu: HNRSC, NCCR North-South, pp. 49-75.

140 KB
Upreti BR. 2008. Logical Conclusion of Nepal's Peace Process: What, When and How? Presentation at the Interaction Programme on 'Logical Conclusion of Peace Process'. 22.08.2008. Kathmandu.

Upreti BR. 2008. Managing war to peace transition in Nepal. Readings on Governance and Development 11: 35-49. (order book)

link Upreti BR. 2008. Moving ahead: From Transition to Transformation. In: Pyakuryal KN, Upreti BR, Sharma SR, editors. Nepal: Transition to Transformation. Kathmandu: HNRSC, NCCR North-South, pp. 201-222.

72 KB
Upreti BR. 2008. Security Systems in Nepal: Immediate Concerns and Long term Perspectives. Presentation at the National Seminar on Security Issues in the Current Political Scenario of Nepal. 22.08.2008. Kathmandu.

Upreti BR. 2008. Security systems in Nepal: Immediate concerns and long term perspectives. Human Rights Campaign 2(2): 21-30.

no download Upreti BR. 2008. The peace process in Nepal: Overview from a Nepalese perspective. Swiss Peace Policy, Publication of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs 2008(1): 4-13. (order this publication from the )

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Upreti BR. 2008. The relationship between armed conflict, peace and tourism in Nepal. Presentation at the ICRD, International Conference on Research for Development. 2.7.2008-4.7.2008. Berne, Switzerland.

no download Upreti BR. 2008. Towards a culture of constitutional peace. In: Bächler G, editor. Nepal Building New Roads to Peace. Lalitpur: Jagadamba Press, pp 68-81.

no download Upreti BR. 2008. Women's Role in Nepal's Peace Process with Special Reference to Inclusion in Peace Structures. Presentation at the National Seminar on Women in Constitution. 18.-19.08.2008. Kathmandu

no download Sharma SR. 2007. Role of Private Sectors in Nepal Transformation. Presentation at the Conference on Modelling of Growth, Development and Poverty 2007, organized by HNRSC, KU and University of Hull. 16-17 December 2007. Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Sharma SR. 2007. The Role of the Private Sector in Augmenting Remittance in Nepal. Paper presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Development in Conflict Environments: Challenges and Opportunities. 16-18 January 2007. Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Upreti BR. 2007. Addressing Structural Causes of Conflict and Promoting Peace through Conflict Sensitive Development: Some Lessons from Nepal. Paper presented at the International Conference on Sustainable Development in Conflict Environments: Challenges and Opportunities. 16-18 January 2007. Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Upreti BR. 2007. Addressing structural causes of conflict and promoting peace through conflict sensitive development: Some lessons from Nepal. In: Dhungana H, Logan M, editors. Sustainable Development in Conflict Environments: Challenges and Opportunities. Kathmandu: Canadian Centre for International Studies and Cooperation (CECI), pp 53-66. (order publication from )

link Upreti BR. 2007. Changing political context, new power relations and hydro-conflict in Nepal. In: Rotberg F, Swain A, editors. Natural Resources Security in South Asia: Nepal's Water. Stockholm: Institute for Security and Development Policy, pp 15-65.

512 KB
no download Upreti BR. 2007. Conflict transformation and peace building: Conceptual understanding and opportunities for implementation. In: Pyakuryal KN, March K, Acharya B, editors. Nepal in Conflict: Theoretical Underpinnings, Conflict Resolution, Conflict Transformation and Peace Building. Kathmandu: Sociological/Anthropological Society of Nepal, pp 12-52. (order from Vajra Publications)

no download Upreti BR. 2007. RC presented concept paper on “Disarming, Demobilization and Reintegration, and Security Sector Transformation” in a training workshop organized by IHRICON to government officials, security personnel, civil society leaders and journalists. 30 November 2007.

no download Upreti BR. 2007. Dispute settlement at the local level: Observations and lessons from Nepal. In: Gellner DN, Hachhethu K, editors. Local Democracy in South Asia: Microprocesses of Democratization in Nepal and its Neighbours. New Delhi: The Micro Politics of Democratization: European South Asian Exchange on Governance, Conflict and Civic Action, pp 150-174. (order book from SAGE Publications)

no download Upreti B. 2007. Need of Security Sector Reform. Newsfront, 12-18.3.2007, 10.

link Upreti BR. 2007. Nepal's pathway for peaceful transformation and challenges ahead. Readings on Governance and Development 8:18-25.

124 KB
no download Upreti BR. 2007. RC delivered lecture on “Post Conflict Reconstruction and Development” to the under-secretaries of government ministries. 15 December 2007

link Upreti BR. 2007. Restructuring Nepal Army: A Conflict Transformation Perspective. Nepali Journal of Contemporary Studies 7(1):69-94.

76 KB
no download Upreti BR. 2007. Security Sector Transformation in the Changing Political Context of Nepal: Special reference to Nepal Army [A conflict transformation and peace building perspective]. Discussion paper prepared for the Seminar on Democratic Transition and Nepal Army Reform of the Nepalese Army Command and Staff College. Date. Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Upreti BR. 2007. RC presented concept paper in an interaction program organized by Management Association of Nepal on “Security Sector Transformation in the Changing Political Context: Special reference to Nepal Army”. 23 November 2007.

no download Matthew R, Upreti BR. 2006. Environmental stress and demographic change in Nepal: Underlying conditions contributing to a decade of insurgency. Environmental Change and Security Program Report 11:29-39. (access article online)

no download Upreti B. 2006. A Decade of Armed Conflict and Livelihood Insecurity in Nepal. Presented at: Environmental Change and Security Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington. 1.11.2006.

no download Upreti BR. 2006. Non-violent Approach of Conflict Transformation and Peace Building: Experiences of April 2006 People's Movement of Nepal. Presentation at the 9th SDPI Sustainable Development Conference on "Missing Links in Sustainable Development: South Asian Perspectives", Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Pakistan. 15 December 2006. Islamabad, Pakistan.

no download Upreti BR. 2006. Civil Society and Involvement of United Nations in Arms Management in Nepal. Paper presented at the Seminar on "Role of Civil Society for Peace in Nepal: Challenges and Prospects", Centre for Economic and Technical Studies (CETS) in cooperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES). 15-16 July 2006. Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Upreti BR. 2006. Environmental Stress and Demographic Change. Lecture in the Environmental Change and Security Programme, Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars, Washington. 1 November 2006. Washington, USA.

no download Upreti BR. 2006. Framework for Peace Processes and Negotiation in Nepal. Paper presented at South Asia Peace Alliance (SAPA) interaction programme. Kathmandu, Nepal, 3 June 2006.

link Upreti BR. 2008. Resistance Movements in Conflict Transformation and Social Change. In: Pyakuryal KN, Upreti BR, Sharma SR, editors. Nepal: Transition to Transformation. Kathmandu: HNRSC, NCCR North-South, pp. 15-48.

116 KB
no download Upreti B. 2006. Nepal’s Armed Conflict: Security Implications for Development and Resource Governance. Presented at: Presented in the forum on Security, Development, and Forest Conflict, hosted by the International Crisis Group and Fiona Hall MEP, Brussel, Belgium. February 8-9, 2006.

no download Upreti B. 2006. One State, Two Regimes: Policy and Institutional Challenges for Managing Natural Resources in Nepal. Presented at: Institutions for Sustainable Resource Management and Livelihood Security in Asia, Beijing. 9.11.2006-12.11.2006.

no download Upreti BR. 2006. People's Movement and Transformation of the State in Nepal: Challenges and Risks Ahead. Readings on Governance and Development 7:15-23. (order from Vedams Books)

no download Upreti BR. 2006. Reconciliation at Post Conflict Situation in Nepal. Paper presented at the National Symposium on Constituent Assembly and Inclusive Democracy. Kathmandu, Nepal. 7-9 June 2006.

link Haupt F, Müller-Böker U. 2005. Grounded Research and Practice. PAMS a transdisciplinary programme component of the NCCR North – South. Mountain Research and Development, 25 (2): 100-103.

294 KB
no download Upreti B. R. and Ghale Y. 2005. Impact of Armed Conflict on Environment and Human life: A Gender Perspective. A paper presented at the 7th Asia-Pacific NGO’s Environmental Conference 4-6 November 2005, in Kathmandu, Nepal.

no download Upreti BR. 2004. Land conflict in Nepal: Peasant's struggle to change unequal agrarian social relations. Community, Work & Family 7(3): 371-393

no download Upreti BR. 2004. Relationships between resource governance and resource conflict: Nepalese experience. Journal of Legal Pluralism 50: 71-100.

link Müller-Böker U. 2000. State intervention in Chitwan. On the Historical Development of a Region in Southern Nepal. Studies in Nepali History and Society. 5 (2): 173-200.

3.6 MB
link Müller-Böker U. 1993. Tharus and Pahariyas in Chitawan: Some Observations Concerning the Question of Multiethnity of Nepal. In: Toffin, G. (ed.): Nepal: Past and Present. Proceedings of the Franco-German Conference, Arc-et-Senans, C.N.R.S., Paris: 279-293.

2.6 MB

Please secure copyright permission for reproduction of all publications from the author(s). The Nepal Research Group cannot be held responsible for breaching of copyright laws protecting these publications.






















































































































































































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